Saturday, October 31, 2009

Block In 6: Clothed Figure 1

Our good friend Herman who came for Friday night tacos last night...a twenty minute sketch/block in...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Block In 5: Entire Figure 2

Today's block in still looks 'sketchy' to me...not a work with strong, decisive or confident lines. Of course that could be because I don't feel strong, decisive or confident when doing the drawing :-) But I think it still looks stronger than yesterday's work.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Block In 3: Entire Figure 1

My first attempt ever at drawing a person from life. Well, my second attempt. I did draw a girl named Jamie in the 7th grade. I bet that drawing is still with Mama's things back in Oklahoma.

Darling Bill has agreed to sit for me for 30 minutes every day til the class in January. I have to confess I do think this looks a bit like him.

Block In 1 & 2: Cat 1 & 2

Blocking in: Using the least number of lines, straight lines, to simplify and capture the gesture and likeness of the subject.

If a few lines do not capture a likeness of the object, more lines will not help.

Promise 100: Orchids, Finished

Not much to say about this. It looks fairly nice in this pic, much worse in person. I am not happy with it at all. But it does end my 100 Promises which started as only 30 back in June, remember? Maybe there is some progress in here somewhere. But I am getting older fast and running out of time to ever hope to be really good. And that my dear friends, makes me sad.

I have registered for a life drawing workshop in January with Julliette Aristides at the Gage Academy in Seattle. From now til then I will be working on learning to block in figures and studying human anatomy (both from books and up close and personal, i.e poor Bill :-)....more to follow about that...

Promise 99: Succulent

Here's one of the two things I did while we were in La Jolla, early September. I took about five minutes, on purpose, to draw without thinking and just keep moving. I was sitting in the sun with a nice rum and coke. Seems like a long time ago, here in the gray days of fall in Seattle with Lilly meowing sadly in the other room, wanting my attention....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Promise 98: Single Orchid, 1

My first attempt at a single orchid blossom and all its details.

Promise 97: Larger Orchids, Study

So here's a larger version (about 8 x 10") of the tiny orchid sketch, and the work I've done on it over a few hours, just sort of playing around and not worrying too much. Next I'll trace it on tracing paper and copy it onto 'good' paper, then begin work on the drawing. But before that, I think I need to practice just on each individual orchid bloom, giving each one texture, depth, substance, form, shadows...or at least trying to...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Promise 96: Orchids, Finished

Am calling it quits on this tiny little drawing. I think I will try it again, a little larger and with something else of interest in the picture. I feel like I'm getting back in the swing of 'art' every day. Finally.

Promise 95: Orchids, Day 2

What started out to be a tiny thumbnail sketch has obsessively turned into a teeny tiny little full blown drawing. So now I'm doing miniatures? I kind of like it, except for the fact that it looks just like what it orchid standing up against a blank wall. Maybe a book beside or underneath it with a little bowl beside it, and some cloth draped around? Whaddaya think?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Promise 94: Orchids, Day 1

So I'm starting again after so many days off--days that have somehow turned into weeks. I won't let that happen's too hard to start again and get back into the routine of simply drawing everyday, no matter what.
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