Monday, December 28, 2009

Bronze: Day Six

Continued the shading on the bronze lady. Also went to the art store to get supplies for my drawing workshop that starts next Monday. Yikes.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Bronze: Day Five

Decided to start on the shading of my lady on the image for a larger picture.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Laughing All the Way...

Of course its me, doing all the laughing, with Bill and a best friend from the Bay Area, Linda...all riding the Christmas Carousel in downtown Seattle on the coldest day of the year! What fun...can't you tell? Happy Holidays!

Bronze: Day Four

Here she is again. Didn't feel much like drawing today, but did a little work on her legs and the drapery of cloth around her hips and legs.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bronze: Day Three

Today I was planning on completely starting over on this drawing, but I decided to work on making her proportions more accurate, especially her legs--which looked stunted in yesterday's work.

And now I see that her neck is too long, but her face, turned up and away as it is with her head thrown back in that graceful arch...well it was just so difficult to capture, that I refused today to erase it and do it over. I spent about two hours yesterday trying to get the tilt of her head and face correct...laughing out loud some of the time at the seeming impossibility of drawing it...I think I got it a little right anyway....

So this afternoon I moved ahead and worked on lengthening her legs and redrawing the drape of her skirt. After I finish up with this drawing, I think I'll draw her again. She is a good model...never moves, never gets tired :-)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bronze: Day Two

OK. Well, she is improving in some ways, but getting more out of proportion in others. I think I'll make her taller even though her feet will be off the hard this lady is...Here is a pic of her actual self too so you can see why I am having so much trouble...other than simply lack of skill. :-)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Good grief. I decided to draw 'from life' using this bronze cast I love. Holy mackerel. It was IM-possible. But a good exercise I suppose. Think I'll try it again from scratch today. I'll let you see the result.

Friday, December 11, 2009


This drawing came out a little better since I did the values work while he was sitting for me--in about 45 minutes.


My patient husband who never complains when I ask him to sit for me. A quick sketch, shaded in later without benefit of the model...thus just so so.


Another quick, twenty minute sketch, of Bill on the phone with his best friend. Couldn't get him to sit still for long on this one!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bill Sleeping

A quick thirty minute sketch of Bill taking a tiny nap.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Drawing from Live Model at Gage

My drawing of this model looks strange. I was in a panic the first hour of his pose and did essentially nothing, except hyperventilate. The last two hours I made some progress and ended with this drawing. If you put your finger over his head and face, the rest of him doesn't look so bad :-) It was my first attempt at a 'real live person' except for Bill. Wow, was it scary and very difficult.
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