Besides the workshop being very focused and concentrated, there was so much information that I couldn't sleep at night for thinking about all the 'stuff' from that day's session. It was listed as an advanced class, and believe me, it was. I can't help but think that much of the information went right over my head. Now I'm reading and re-reading Anthony Ryder's book and it's reinforcing and repeating what I heard from Michael.
I don't have much to show from the two weeks, since it was not directed at a finished product, but at learning and practicing. The little sketch above is just a small 'composition' drawing, i.e. a quick drawing to determine if you like the arrangement and composition of the pose and your work. This model was so very beautiful. Alexandra. Peaceful and calm.
way to go Susan!
Karen, you are such a doll. You've been such a support and inspiration to me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate YOU!
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