Saturday, September 5, 2009

Promise 93: Ten Apples, Day 16

Here's yesterday's ending sketch and above it is the finished drawing as of today.

Finished. At least I am finished working on this drawing. It's not the best drawing, but it's the best I could do at this point. I feel just 'okay' with it. Not great. But ok. The picture was taken with my iphone but it does represent the drawing fairly. Please feel free to critique!

Now I start on my work with an artist in Great Britain! Very exciting.

And special thanks, again :-) to both Karen Appleton--for her invaluable help and insight, and to Sadie Valeri--for taking the time to offer guidance and advice. Both of you are really appreciated by me!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Promise 91, 92, 92: Ten Apples, Days 13-15

Well well, things seem to be at least moving forward instead of backwards :-)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Promise 87, 88, 89, 90: Ten Apples, Days 9-12

I know, I know. I work sooooo slowly. But even though I am STILL on the same drawing, I learn something new every day. And I keep reminding myself, learning is what this time of sketching and drawing is all about.

So here's my progress for the last four times I've worked. I am so glad I take these pictures. It really helps me see my forwardly progress (as well as seeing my mistakes more clearly too!).

I'm off to draw an hour or so. I think I'll leave the front right apple for later and start on the bowl...what I've really been waiting for! I do hope I do it justice. It is such a beautiful and simple bowl with wonderful lines.
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