I've been invited by Dianne Tranni of Gaspare's Ristorante to show my paintings at the Phinney Art Walk May 14 and 15th. We'll show about ten pieces, at least four of which will be for sale. See the sidebar on this blog for the pieces I'm offering. I'm very excited since this is the first public showing of my work.
Gaspare Ristorante and Bar is a restaurant with a full bar and additonal outdoor court yard seating for the summer. It's located at 6705 Greenwood Ave. N. It is kitty corner from the Phinney Ridge Community Center and is next door to the Francine Seders Art Gallery. Parking is available behind the Gallery. Reservations should be made by phone 206-297-3600.
Bill and I will be in Santa Cruz at the time of the showing, so we'd love for anyone who can to go by Gaspares and see how things look!
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