Monday, December 28, 2009
Bronze: Day Six
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Laughing All the Way...
Of course its me, doing all the laughing, with Bill and a best friend from the Bay Area, Linda...all riding the Christmas Carousel in downtown Seattle on the coldest day of the year! What fun...can't you tell? Happy Holidays!
Bronze: Day Four
Monday, December 14, 2009
Bronze: Day Three
And now I see that her neck is too long, but her face, turned up and away as it is with her head thrown back in that graceful arch...well it was just so difficult to capture, that I refused today to erase it and do it over. I spent about two hours yesterday trying to get the tilt of her head and face correct...laughing out loud some of the time at the seeming impossibility of drawing it...I think I got it a little right anyway....
So this afternoon I moved ahead and worked on lengthening her legs and redrawing the drape of her skirt. After I finish up with this drawing, I think I'll draw her again. She is a good model...never moves, never gets tired :-)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Bronze: Day Two
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Drawing from Live Model at Gage
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Block In 15: Resting Man 4
I couldn't resist shading and turning the form just a little. But back to more block in tomorrow. Keeping my promise of doing ten Resting Man and ten Crouching Man before I go on to block another figure. I also need to draw from life more...Bill? I think so! My only willing and dependable model besides Lilly.
Pretty close on accuracy today. Only spent a half hour. I was just pooped out. Whatever will I do with a six hour class for five straight days in January? I need to do some weights to build up my arm or else I won't be able to draw at the easel for that long.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Block in 11: Cat 3
Block In 10: Clothed Figure 2
Block In 7: Crouching Man 1
I traced her drawing first, and then laid that tracing over my finished drawing to see how accurate I was. I'd give my self a C- mostly for effort, not so much for result. It is difficult.
I'm going so far backward into the basics, I feel that soon I'll be drawing only straight lines side by side, lined up like little matches. But all this is supposed to make my painting (remember painting????) stronger. I hope as I work my way back from these basic steps I will see stronger work.
And remember, the intense five day workshop with Ms. Aristides is in January. So I am still in a state of panic.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Block In 6: Clothed Figure 1
Friday, October 30, 2009
Block In 5: Entire Figure 2
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Block In 3: Entire Figure 1
Darling Bill has agreed to sit for me for 30 minutes every day til the class in January. I have to confess I do think this looks a bit like him.
Block In 1 & 2: Cat 1 & 2
Promise 100: Orchids, Finished
I have registered for a life drawing workshop in January with Julliette Aristides at the Gage Academy in Seattle. From now til then I will be working on learning to block in figures and studying human anatomy (both from books and up close and personal, i.e poor Bill :-)....more to follow about that...
Promise 99: Succulent
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Promise 97: Larger Orchids, Study
So here's a larger version (about 8 x 10") of the tiny orchid sketch, and the work I've done on it over a few hours, just sort of playing around and not worrying too much. Next I'll trace it on tracing paper and copy it onto 'good' paper, then begin work on the drawing. But before that, I think I need to practice just on each individual orchid bloom, giving each one texture, depth, substance, form, shadows...or at least trying to...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Promise 96: Orchids, Finished
Promise 95: Orchids, Day 2
What started out to be a tiny thumbnail sketch has obsessively turned into a teeny tiny little full blown drawing. So now I'm doing miniatures? I kind of like it, except for the fact that it looks just like what it orchid standing up against a blank wall. Maybe a book beside or underneath it with a little bowl beside it, and some cloth draped around? Whaddaya think?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Promise 94: Orchids, Day 1
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Promise 93: Ten Apples, Day 16

Here's yesterday's ending sketch and above it is the finished drawing as of today.
Finished. At least I am finished working on this drawing. It's not the best drawing, but it's the best I could do at this point. I feel just 'okay' with it. Not great. But ok. The picture was taken with my iphone but it does represent the drawing fairly. Please feel free to critique!
Now I start on my work with an artist in Great Britain! Very exciting.
And special thanks, again :-) to both Karen Appleton--for her invaluable help and insight, and to Sadie Valeri--for taking the time to offer guidance and advice. Both of you are really appreciated by me!
Now I start on my work with an artist in Great Britain! Very exciting.
And special thanks, again :-) to both Karen Appleton--for her invaluable help and insight, and to Sadie Valeri--for taking the time to offer guidance and advice. Both of you are really appreciated by me!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Promise 87, 88, 89, 90: Ten Apples, Days 9-12
I know, I know. I work sooooo slowly. But even though I am STILL on the same drawing, I learn something new every day. And I keep reminding myself, learning is what this time of sketching and drawing is all about.
So here's my progress for the last four times I've worked. I am so glad I take these pictures. It really helps me see my forwardly progress (as well as seeing my mistakes more clearly too!).
I'm off to draw an hour or so. I think I'll leave the front right apple for later and start on the bowl...what I've really been waiting for! I do hope I do it justice. It is such a beautiful and simple bowl with wonderful lines.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Promise 86: Ten Apples, Day 8
Promise 85: Ten Apples, Day 7
Promise 84: Ten Apples, Day 6
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Promise 83: Ten Apples, Day 5
Promise 83: Ten Apples, Day 5
Here's what's working pretty well for me on this one. I took the original line sketch that I liked (liked it a little anyway), took a picture of it, printed that picture out on the computer, and then sketched over it to correct mistakes and to practice. Above is the result. So it's sketched over a sketch that was printed in gray tones on the computer printer. But wow, is this practice helping me to get it right--well, better anyway.
Today or tomorrow, after some more corrections, I'll trace just the outlines to a fresh sheet of drawing paper and start adding values again. Amazing. This 'rehearsal' is helping with knowing how to do the real drawing. Guess that's why they call this kind of work a study. Duh :-)
Promise 82: Ten Apples, Day 4
Monday, August 17, 2009
Promise 81: Ten Apples, Day 3
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Promise 79: Ten Apples, Day 1
We had a redecorate of our tv room this week. How fun, but lots of work! The furniture arrived last Monday so the rest of the week was spent getting the room organized and put together--then all day yesterday setting up the tv, sound system and Blu-ray. Good grief! Now the room is 95 percent done, all but the cleaning up and a few final details (just like a drawing :-), and cleaning can wait til after tomorrow for sure!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Promise 78: Cherries & Bowl, Day 6
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